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Highland Hotel Forum Rules

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Highland Hotel Forum Rules Empty Highland Hotel Forum Rules

Post  Robert Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:25 pm

1 - Please don't multiple/triple post.
Please don't make several posts after each other. If you feel the need to add to your previous post, simply edit it or wait for someone else to reply.

2 - Do not use vulgar language around the forum.
Please don't swear or make any vulgar or racial remarks around the forum. This includes using vulgar language directly towards another member of the forum. Highland Hotel Forum do have a word filter which will prevent vulgar language from being viewed, please do not avoid it.

3 - Respect the views of other members. Everyone has the right to an opinion, although you are not allowed to post opinions which will cause offensive, arguments or hatred towards other members of the forum. Please respect the opinions of others and don't be rude towards other members because of their opinions.

4 - Please don't ask for reputation points.
Please don't ask for reputation points around the forum from other members. This also includes creating threads which give or ask for reputation. Please also do not pointlessly add to a users negative

5 - Report all Rule-Breaking posts you encounter.
We encourage members to report threads or posts which break these rules displayed. We do not ask members to constantly report the same thread/post or send in pointless reports.

6 - Please don't post/private message/rep another member with a hatred comment.
Please don't post threads/replies or send private messages or give reputation with the reason as a hatred comment. This is classed as bullying and is not tolerated on the Highland Hotel Forum.

7 - Hacking, attempting or discussing to scam another user.
Hacking, or attempting to access any other persons account on Highland Hotel or Highland Hotel Forum is NOT PERMITTED. Moderators may choose to take extensive action with these issues by contacting the manager directly. This also includes discussing to hack other members or users.

8 - Selling goods for real life money. Highland Hotel Forum doesn't allow members to sell goods for real life money. Highland Hotel/Highland Hotel Forum hold no responsibility for anyone who do not receive their goods which they have purchased. However, we forbid anyone to sell accounts or furniture for real life money.

9 - Do not discuss sexual or illegal acts on the forum.
Highland Hotel Forum forbid any member(s) to use the forum as a place to plan or talk about illegal activity. The same goes for any sexual acts being discussed or planned to take place on the forum.

10 - Please don't give out or display private messages or chat logs.
Please do not use the Highland Hotel Forum as a place to give out private messages or chat logs from instant messenger. Of course, this rule is obsolete if you are quoting a private message from the same user in a private message. Private messages are private for a reason, and instant messengers are not allowed to be discussed on the forum, neither are chat logs from them.

11 - Do not post real life images of people on the forum.
Please don't post any real life images of yourself or others on the forum, in your avatars, signatures or personal profiles. This also includes posting pictures of other members.

12 - Trading for credits or furniture on the forum is at your own risk.
If you are trading for a piece of furniture for credits via the forum, you are doing so at your own risk. Highland Hotel Forum takes no responsibility whatsoever if you were to be scammed within the process. If this happens we will do not take action against the offender.

13 - Don't post any dangerous URL's anywhere on the Forum.
Do NOT post URL's to sites which lead to adult content, spyware or any other dangerous websites.

14 - Don't post any inappropriate videos on the forum.
Do NOT post any youtube/google videos which contain inappropriate content on the forums or on your profile. This includes videos which contain any racism or offend other members which use the forum.

15 - Don't not use other languages besides English.
As Highland Hotel Forum is an English speaking forum, you are only allowed to speak English around the forum. If you wish to speak in another language, please do so elsewhere as for all we know, you could be breaking multiple rules in another language. Coding languages are not applied to this rule, ie. PHP or HTML, but the content of the coding must be in English.

16 - Don't post threads against Administrators / Moderators actions.
Please do not create threads to reverse actions against our Moderation and Administration team. This is not tolerated on Highland Hotel Forum. The moderator/administrator who made the action will make the decision. Please do not get other members of Highland Hotel Staff involved or create hatred threads.

17 - Do not use/change moderator / forum management commands.
Please do not use any moderator's or forum management commands anywhere on Highland Hotel Forum. We also ask for you not to change them. If a moderator/administrator posts a command on your post for a reason you are forbid to change/remove the command made.

18 - Do not create hatred threads, send hatred private messages or make any hatred messages.
Do not create threads which cause arguments. Please don't create hatred towards another members on the forum, by creating threads, using the PM system and any other form of passing information via the forum. As we like to keep a pleasant atmosphere we do not allow members to create threads which are going to cause deliberate arguments between members of the forum.

19 - Posting Forums using Highland Hotel Forum.
Highland Hotel Forum do allow members to advertise their fansites on our forum. However, we do not allow members to post advertisements for other forums other than Highland Hotel.

20. Staff Warnings
Please do not remove Moderators' or Administrators warnings which will be indicated in BOLD red text in a Moderator's Warning box!


Posts : 5
Join date : 2008-03-05


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